动态 news
学术 academic
2011年9月 - 2017年6月,华南理工大学,计算机科学与工程学院,计算机科学与技术,工学博士
2007年9月 - 2011年6月,河南大学,数学与统计学院,信息与计算科学,理学学士
《mathematics》国际学术期刊,客座编辑: mathematics, special issue "recent advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning"
《众智科学国际期刊》副编辑: international journal of crowd science (ijcs)
中国计算机学会协同计算专业委员会(ccf tccc),执行委员
ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering (tkde)
ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems (tnnls)
ieee transactions on services computing (tsc)
ieee transactions on cybernetics (cyber)
ieee transactions on big data (tbd)
acm transactions on knowledge discovery from data (tkdd)
knowledge-based system (kbs)
28th acm sigkdd conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (kdd 2022), 审稿人
the 31st international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-22), 审稿人
17th ccf conference on computer supported cooperative work and social computing (chinesecscw 2022),审稿人
international conference on crowd science and engineering (iccse 2021), 程序委员会联合主席
international conference on crowd science and engineering (iccse 2019), 程序委员
ieee international conference on agents (ica 2019) , 程序委员
international conference on ageless aging (icaa 2019) , 程序委员
ieee international conference on agents (ica 2019), 领域主席
enhancing sequential recommendation with graph contrastive learning
yixin zhang, yong liu, yonghui xu*, hao xiong, chenyi lei, wei he, lizhen cui*, chunyan miao
the 31st international joint conference on artificial intelligence (ijcai-22), 2022.
ck-encoder: enhanced language representation for sentence similarity
tao jiang, fengjian kang, wei guo, wei he, lei liu, xudong lu, yonghui xu*, lizhen cui*
international journal of crowd science (ijcs), 2022.
atpl: mutually enhanced adversarial training and pseudo labeling for unsupervised domain adaptation
chang'an yi, haotian chen, yonghui xu*, yong liu, lei jiang, haishu tan
knowledge-based system (kbs), 2022.
similarity-aware collaborative learning for patient outcome predcition
fuqiang yu, lizhen cui, yiming cao, ning liu, weiming huang, yonghui xu
the 27th international conference on database systems for advanced applications (dasfaa), 2022.
saer: sentiment-opinion alignment explainable recommendation
xiaoning zong, yong liu, yonghui xu*, yixin zhang, zhiqi shen, yonghua yang, lizhen cui*
the 27th international conference on database systems for advanced applications (dasfaa), 2022.
kdtnet: medical image report generation via knowledge-driven transformer
yiming cao, lizhen cui*, fuqiang yu, lei zhang, zhen li, ning liu, yonghui xu*
the 27th international conference on database systems for advanced applications (dasfaa), 2022.
mvfls: multi-participant vertical federated learning based on secret sharing
haoran shi, yali jiang, han yu, yonghui xu*, lizhen cui*
fl-aaai, 2022.
personalized clinical pathways recommendation via attention based pre-trained model
xijie lin, yuan li, yonghui xu*, wei guo, wei he*,honglu zhang, lizhen cui*,chunyan miao
ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm), 2021.
regional covid-19 epidemic prediction based on multi-modal information fusion
honglu zhang, yonghui xu*, lei liu, xudong lu, xijie lin, zhongmin yan, lizhen cui*, chunyan miao
ieee international conference on bioinformatics and biomedicine (bibm), 2021.
heterogeneous star graph attention network for product attributes prediction
xuejiao zhao, yong liu*, yonghui xu*, yonghua yang, xusheng luo, chunyan miao
advanced engineering informatics (aei), 2021.
credit default prediction via explainable ensemble learning
ronghua xu, hefeng meng, zhiqiang lin, yonghui xu* and lizhen cui*
proceedings of the 4th international conference on crowd science and engineering
music rhythm matching based on dynamic step frequency
youyang du, chi zhang, escoffier wang, yunsen tang, yonghui xu* and lizhen cui*
proceedings of the 4th international conference on crowd science and engineering
a serious mobile game for neurodegenerative diseases evaluation
huiguo zhang*, yonghui xu, jun lin, weiming li and zhiqi shen
proceedings of the 4th international conference on crowd science and engineering
task-oriented dynamic knowledge graph embedding by incorporating temporal smoothness
yonghui xu, shengjie sun, huiguo zhang, chang’an yi, yuan miao, dong yang, xiaonan meng, yi hu, ke wang, huaqing min, chunyan miao*, hengjie song*
acm transactions on knowledge discovery from data (tkdd), 2021.
a parkinson's disease risk estimation method based on somatosensory parkour mobile game
huiguo zhang*, yonghui xu, jun lin, weiming li and zhiqi shen,
ijcai-aif, 2021.
major depressive disorder recognition and cognitive analysis based on multi-layer brain functional connectivity networks
xiaofang sun, xiangwei zheng*, yonghui xu*, lizhen cui, bin hu,
ijcai-aif, 2021, best application paper.
contextualized graph attention network for recommendation with item knowledge graph
yong liu, susen yang, yonghui xu, chunyan miao, min yu, juyong zhang,
ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering (tkde), 2021.
adaptive power iteration clustering
bo liu, yong liu*, huiyan zhang, yonghui xu, can tang, lianggui tang, huafeng qin,
knowledge-based system (kbs),2021.
improved nsga-ii for the minimum constraint removal problem
bo xu, feng zhou, yonghui xu, haoran xu, kewen xu
international journal of embedded systems (ijes). 14(1): 27-35 (2021)
kernel-target alignment based non-linear metric learning
yonghui xu, chunyan miao*, yong liu, hengjie song*, yi hu, huaqing min,
neurocomputing, 2020.
multi-component transfer metric learning for handling unrelated source domain samples
chang'an yi, yonghui xu*, han yu*, yuguang yan, yang liu.
knowledge-based system (kbs),2020.
domain adaptation from public dataset to robotic perception based on deep neural network
chang’an yi, haotian chen, xiaosheng hu, yonghui xu,
2020 chinese automation congress (cac), 2020
deep transfer learning for abnormality detection
jie wei kong, yonghui xu*, han yu
iccse 2019.
multi-label metric transfer learning jointly considering instance space and label space distribution divergence
siyu jiang, yonghui xu, tengyun wang, haizhi yang, shaojian qiu, han yu, hengjie song*.
ieee access, 2019, 7, 10362-10373.
a novel transfer metric learning approach based on multi-group
chang'an yi, yonghui xu*, bo xu, jingtang zhong, zhen zhu, pengshuai yin, huaqing min.
2018 ieee international conference on robotics and biomimetics (robio). ieee, 2018: 2184-2189.
multi-instance transfer metric learning by weighted distribution and consistent maximum likelihood estimation
yonghui xu*, siyu jiang*, hengjie song, qingyao wu, michael k. ng, huaqing min, shaojian qiu.
neurocomputing, 2018.
feature selection and transfer learning for alzheimer disease
ke zhou, wenguang he, yonghui xu, jie cai.*
applied sciences-basel, 2018 8(8), 1372.
a unified framework for metric transfer learning
yonghui xu, sinno jialin pan, hui xiong, qingyao wu, ronghua luo, huaqing min*, hengjie song*.
ieee transactions on knowledge & data engineering (tkde), 2017, pp(29):1158 – 1171.
online transfer learning with multiple homogeneous or heterogeneous sources
qingyao wu, hanrui wu, xiaoming zhou, mingkui tan, yonghui xu, yuguang yan, tianyong hao.
ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering (tkde), 2017, pp(29):1494 – 1507.
multi-instance metric transfer learning for genome-wide protein function prediction
yonghui xu, huaqing min, qingyao wu*, hengjie song*.
scientific reports, 2017, 7. (nature子刊)
individual judgments versus consensus: estimating query-url relevance
hengjie song, yonghui xu*, huaqing min, qingyao wu, wei wei, jianshu weng, xiaogang han, qing yang, jialiang shi, jiaqian gu, chunyan miao, toyoaki nishida.
acm transactions on the web(tweb), 2016, 10(1): 3.
multi-instance multi-label distance metric learning for genome-wide protein function prediction
yonghui xu, huaqing min, hengjie song, qingyao wu*.
computational biology and chemistry (apbc), 2016, 63: 30-40.
osteoporosis recognition based on similarity metric with svm
ke zhou, jie cai*, yonghui xu, tianxiu wu.
international journal bioautomation, 2016, 20(2): 253-264.
label transfer for joint recognition and segmentation of 3d object
yonghui xu, ronghua luo, huaqing min.
machine learning and cybernetics (icmlc), 2012 international conference on. ieee, 2012, 3: 1188-1192.
coupled hidden semi-markov conditional random fields based context model for semantic map building
ronghua luo, huaqing min, yonghui xu, junbo li.
machine learning and cybernetics (icmlc), 2012 international conference on. ieee, 2012, 2: 785-791.
2020年,发明专利, 一种基于九轴传感器的自适应踢腿状态识别方法及其装置,专利号:cn202011106339.1
2020年,发明专利, 一种游戏化的帕金森症状等级评估方法及装置,专利号:cn202110016956.0
2020年,发明专利, 一种基于八段锦的智能养老康复游戏系统和游戏方法,专利号:cn202011206876.3
2020年, 发明专利, 一种肿瘤分割装置和分割方法,专利号:cn202011341340.2
2020年, 实用新型专利,一种肿瘤分割装置,专利号:cn202022756580.0
阿里巴巴创新研究计划:基于动态需求的自适配eta预测及置信度分析, 2021-2022
阿里巴巴创新研究计划:电商知识图谱补全及常识性知识挖掘, 2020-2021
阿里巴巴创新研究计划:基于知识图谱的b2b跨境电商导购场域建设, 2020-2021
中新国际联合研究项目:人工智能 健康养老技术研究,2018-2020

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